
Welcome to the place for you to read about my experiences as a freelancer in finding, and hopefully getting (fingers crossed), work. Currently, I am requesting suggestions on subjects people are interested in discussing and any ideas for improving the blog. Check back often for updates and if anyone would like me to add their website to my links section, send me an email.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Finals are finally over!! But there's no time to celebrate. Well, maybe a little. Woot!

Last Tuesday was my last Survey at Pratt. Thanks to everyone who stopped by my post and said hi. Most of you who were there after noon probably saw me diligently finishing a job that was due later that day. You might see that work around campus in the very near future if you keep your eyes peeled;) Now, I'm working on printing things for the Pratt Show and finding an apartment before they kick me out of Willoughby. It's shaping up to be another busy week!

Thanks to Leo Vasquez from The Sound of Art for coming in and hanging out with us in Chang's class on Thursday before Survey. Check out his site for some of the cool events he puts on.

Head over to my blog for some new illustrations.

Friday, April 13, 2007


This is the last month before the big graduation day and the final step before getting into the "real world". Fittingly, I've been getting little to no sleep and haven't stopped working for the past 2 weeks straight. Since Monday I'd say that I've gotten about 18hrs of sleep.

On top of that, I lost my wallet on Tuesday! ARRGGGHHH! Never carry around every bit of identification you own!! On the up side, the amount of work I'm finishing is astounding!! Nearly two pieces in three days! Look for an update to my blog within the next week!

For those of you who don't know yet. Kadir Nelson is coming to the COMD department on Thursday! See you there!

P.S. If you type Grant Newton into google my profile is in the top ten!! lol